Rosemount, MN Commercial Property for Sale (1 Real Estate Listings)

Rosemount, MN Real Estate Statistics

Average Price $494K
Lowest Price $2.5K
Highest Price $2.5M
Total Listings 178
Avg. Price/SQFT $208

Property Types (active listings)

As of February 17, 2025 there are 1 active Rosemount, MN commercial real estate listings for sale with an average listing price of $2,500,000. The highest-priced commercial property listing is $2,500,000, while the lowest priced commercial property can be purchased for $2,500,000. Rosemount, MN Commercial properties for sale have an average price of $133 per square foot, based on commercial listings with an average of bedrooms, bathrooms, and 18,840 square feet of living space.

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Rosemount, MN Commercial Real Estate & Properties 

Rosemount, Minnesota, is a beautiful city in the southern Twin Cities metropolitan area. The city is home to many businesses, organizations, and a variety of residential properties. Rosemount is also a popular destination for many people looking for a place to live or work in the Minneapolis-Saint Paul metro area.

The commercial real estate market in Rosemount is robust. Many properties are available for purchase or lease, including office buildings, retail space, industrial warehouses, etc.

The first thing you need to do is determine the property type you are interested in. There are many different types of commercial real estate, so choosing the one that best suits your needs is vital. Once you have decided on the kind of property you want, you must find a reputable real estate agent specializing in commercial properties in Rosemount, Minnesota.

One of our many excellent real estate agents will be able to show you various properties and help you decide which one is right for you. They will also be able to provide you with information about the current market conditions in Rosemount, Minnesota, and help you negotiate a fair price for the property you are interested in.

Rosemount, Minnesota's History

Rosemount, Minnesota, has a rich history that dates back to the 1850s. The first settlers, William and Walter Strathern and C. H. Carr, came from New York to stake a claim on Scotland. Many immigrants followed them soon after, most of whom were Irish Catholics. As the number of settlers increased, there came a need for a community organization. On May 11, 1858, settlers met at the home of Thomas Dowd for the first township meeting. Coincidentally, this was the same day that Minnesota became a state. Rosemount has always been a community of hardworking people proud of their heritage. The Irish tradition is robust in Rosemount, and the town celebrates its Irish roots every year with its annual Irish Day celebration. This event features traditional Irish music, dance, and food and drink specials at local businesses. It's always an enjoyable time for residents and visitors alike. Stop by and enjoy the fun if you're ever in town on Irish Day!

Rosemount, Minnesota's Demographics

Located in Dakota County, Rosemount is a city with a growing population. According to the most recent census, the people of Rosemount are 26,406. This is an increase of 2.95% since the last census was taken in 2010, when the population was 25,650. The population density of Rosemount is 794 people per square mile, and the city spans over 35 miles. Rosemount is currently growing at a rate of 1.45% annually.

The median age in Rosemount is 36 years old, and the city is home to many young families. Rosemount's most common racial group is White, accounting for 82.4% of the population. Other racial groups include Hispanic or Latino (5%), Asian (2%), and black or African American (1%). Rosemount's residents are well-educated, with 87% graduating high school and 48% obtaining a bachelor's degree or higher.

Rosemount, Minnesota's Geographic Makeup

Rosemount spans a total area of 35.1 square miles, of which 33.7 square miles is land and the remaining 1.5 square miles is water. Rosemount sits at an elevation of 965 feet above sea level. Four main highways serve the city: U.S. Highway 52, Minnesota Highway 3, Minnesota Highway 55, and County Road 42. Rosemount has a humid continental climate and experiences four distinct seasons. Summers are warm and humid, while winters are cold with heavy snowfall. Due to its location in the Upper Midwest, the city is often affected by severe weather conditions such as blizzards, thunderstorms, and tornadoes. Rosemount is a beautiful city with a rich history and diverse population. It is an ideal place to live for those who enjoy the outdoors and all Minnesota offers.

Rosemount, Minnesota's Economy

Rosemount, Minnesota, is a great place to live for many reasons! The average household income is $122,544, with a poverty rate of 3.15%. The median rental costs in recent years have come to $1,372 per month, and the median house value is $295,800. That's not all! The median age in Rosemount is 37.2 years, 36.2 years for males and 38.3 years for females. All these factors make Rosemount an excellent place to call home. Come check it out yourself and see what all the fuss is about!

Rosemount, Minnesota's Employment

The economy of Rosemount, MN, employs 14.1k people. The largest industries in Rosemount, MN, are Health Care & Social Assistance (1,769 people), Manufacturing (1,693 people), and Retail Trade (1,619 people). The highest-paying industries in Rosemount are Utilities ($110,625), Finance & Insurance ($83,333), and Manufacturing ($80,469). Rosemount is a city with a strong economy and plenty of employment opportunities. If you're looking for a city with a strong job market, Rosemount is a great choice. You're sure to find a perfect career in various industries. So if you're looking for a new place to live and work, check out Rosemount, Minnesota. You won't be disappointed.

Why Commercial Real Estate In Rosemount, Minnesota?

Rosemount, Minnesota, is an exciting place to call home. It's an exciting place to call home. It's a great place to live, work, and raise a family. If you're looking for a city with plenty of opportunity, Rosemount is the place for you. Why not invest in commercial real estate in Rosemount?